The company program is designed for the more serious dancer, to enhance their technical training, performance quality, and maturity in movement. The dancers take classes throughout the year, perform in 2-3 competitions, perform in showcase, and additional performances (example: nursing homes/Maine Celtics. etc).
Company members will train in the spring and/or summer to maintain and gain skills depending on age/commitment level.
Company starts with a low commitment at 1st grade. This is great exposure to performing more!
You can pick your level of commitment with company with how many routines you do and what level of ability you are striving to be.
Group dances are the priority in company. Dancers’ 3rd grade and up may do a solo/duet/trio but must compete in at least 2 group dances. We can highlight different dancers in group routines with their strengths. Group routines are enjoyable to watch and teach working together, timing, formations, patterns, lifts, partnering, contagious timing and choreography.
Company members not only are focused on excellent technical and theatrically training but sportsmanship as well. The dancers are encouraged to work together and help one another in the classroom, on the stage, and outside the dance studio.
We believe every student can shine but may shine in different ways. One student may be a great leaper while the other one a great turner, the dancers are taught that diversity is good and not all bodies are designed to move the same way. Dedication is an important aspect of being a company member, dancers are expected to come to class regularly and come prepared to learn. A positive attitude is the window to successful learning.
We believe if every student comes ready to learn and to get better, they will have a much more enjoyable experience. Melissa often tells her students. “It’s ok to do something wrong, it’s the journey to getting it right which is exciting.” There is nothing more exciting to a teacher than to see a student conquer a step or combination for the first time.
If you are interested in company, please email Melissa at info@scarboroughdancecenter.com to receive our company informational packet. Informational packet for the 2025-2026 season will be out in Winter 2025.
August 11-15th, 2025.
Dancers will begin to learn their company routines, work as a team, bond, work on technique, and take multiple genres of dance this week. It is a great week of growth! Camp will have SDC staff and guest instructors!