At Scarborough Dance Center our teachers are highly experienced dancers, teachers, and are great with children. Our teachers must continue with their education and travel to seminars and conventions throughout the year. The teachers keep updated with cutting edge choreography and learning techniques.
Read testimonials from members of our SDC family.
Every dancer learns a different way and it is our goal to make sure every student understands each step. We may introduce a step in 10 different manners to ensure everyone understands.
Each teacher has a curriculum to work from for each class, to ensure the highest level of learning.
Here at Scarborough Dance Center, we provide a fun learning environment. We strive to teach quality technique, performance and style and have successfully done so for 38 years.
Our staff is professional, knowledgeable, patient, and energetic. The student is our top priority and each student leaves feeling loved and respected. We want very student to leave the studio with a smile and knowledge of the art of dance. Dancing teaches grace, pose, self-confidence and showmanship, it is an honor to be part of that growth. We believe learning can be fun and students can enjoy a structured atmosphere. To learn, three- and four-year-old children are introduced to structure at a very young age. The classes are fun, engaging, AND the kids learn! The owner, Melissa Willey, constantly brings creativity to her teaching and choreography. Melissa’s passion for dance is undeniable and you can feel the enthusiasm when you enter the studio.
We want each student to have a place, to learn, and to feel loved. Whether you want to dance recreationally for a class or two a week or dream of dancing in college or professionally. We have classes for everyone!
We have company for dancers who want more commitment, technique, more training, and performance opportunities. We have performance Team for dancers who want more performances but not the commitment of company. We have our regular classes where everyone can participate in our fun, annual recital.
We also pride ourselves on organizational excellence. Every parent is informed with newsletters, calendars, recital packets, bulletin boards, email, and the website. Our organization is helpful to families with busy lives and keeps both students and parents happy.
Our favorite phrase. “Dance like no one is watching; dance to let your soul free”.
Named Best Dance Studio in the State of Maine by Dancer Magazine in February 2009.
Melissa Willey selected as Business Woman of the Year from the National Association of Professional and Executive Women in 2008.
Melissa Willey choreographed and traveled to London in 2012 during the Summer Olympics to have a piece performed for AAPAE.
SDC named Best in Business by the Current.
Numerous top awards: Best in Technique, Choreography, Concept, Age Appropriate Dancing, Sportsmanship, Musicality, Nice Lines, and top scores!
Contact Scarborough Dance Center
In Studio Office Hours- Starting 9/9
Phone: 207-883-4569
Scarborough Dance Center
26 Plaza Drive
Scarborough, ME 04074
We are directly behind McDonalds, off Route 1. Our entrance faces the Scarborough Car Wash.
To Contact Melissa Willey (Owner/Director), please email info@scarboroughdancecenter.com (Melissa returns emails daily.)
For all billing questions and shoe orders, please email Alisa at scarbdanceinfo@gmail.com
Link to register and/or login to your account: